Bad Driving Habits that You Should Avoid

Negligent drivers could fall into bad driving habits that can cause an accident or traffic violation. It doesn’t matter if you are aware of it, but some bad driving habits could be illegal. You need to give up these bad habits immediately to make roads safer.

Negative Driving Habits to Avoid:

Through Yellow-Lights

It’s tempting to speed up but not make it through the yellow stoplight. Unfortunately, running a red signal could result in an incident.

Drivers who don’t inspect the blind spots end in a collision with other cars and switch to other lanes. You should always ensure you have a clear view of the road and check your mirror before you change lanes.

Don’t Use Turn Signals

You must use your turn signals when changing lanes or making a turn. Failing to do this could place you in danger.

The takeover of Other Vehicles

You might want to drive fast if you are in hurry. If the roads are clear, however, this is possible. Cutting off cars in front of you could result in you being hit from behind or colliding with the car ahead.


Today, one of the main causes of car accidents is driving over the speed limit. A lot of bad accidents can easily be prevented if everyone follows the speed limit posted.

You are late for work and traffic is light. You could reduce your travel time by speeding up. Not so fast. High speeds increase the chance of a collision, according to Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Higher speeds are more dangerous because it takes longer for things to slow down or stop. It’s okay to be late for an appointment. Follow the speed limit.

Getting Distracted

Focus on the road and keep your eyes on it. Drivers distracted by their phones are more likely to cause accidents. Negative habits such as eating, texting or conversing over the telephone with passengers, or daydreaming should be a thing of the past.

LTrent Driving School will teach you how to drive if you have these bad driving habits. Qualified instructors can evaluate your driving skills and give the training to help you overcome them.

Driving With Headphones

The music you listen to on your car radio is distracting enough. If you have headphones on your ears, you could be obstructing important sounds such as railroad crossing alarms or car horns. In some states, this can also lead to breaking the law.


Driving too close to a vehicle can result in a driver not paying enough attention. It can result in a ticket. The amount of space you should leave is dependent on your speed as well as the conditions at the time (e.g., traffic jams or rainstorms); it’s best to keep a “reasonable, prudent” distance to other cars.

Without Signaling, Change Lanes

If you need to signal traffic that you want to change lanes, your blinker is necessary. Without it, drivers will not know what your intentions are. If traffic is light it’s easier not to turn it on. Although you may be pulled over, it is possible to get away with this infraction. Good communication is the key to good behavior, regardless of any laws or conditions.

Avoid Leaving Your Headlights Off

You need Headlights for nighttime driving. However, they may not be visible at night or in bad conditions. Remember to avoid over-communicating while driving. In this example, headlights not only help you see but also advertise your presence. While there are different laws regarding the use of headlights in certain situations, you can simply flip a switch to make it happen.

Driving while using your mobile phone

It can be hard to ignore a text message pinging, but it is important to keep your eyes fixed on the road. More states will be cracking down on distracted driving, as distracted driving is becoming an increasingly serious issue.

The Safer Drivers Course will teach you how to manage speed, distance selection and hazard awareness. It also prepares you for driving unsupervised on your Provisional license.

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