Explore Three Types of Roof Edge Protection

Roof edge guarding is essential for any construction or maintenance work at a height. The safety of the workers and preventing injuries are paramount. Roof edge protection systems can be used to achieve these goals. In this article, you will learn about the three major types of roof protection: edge protection barriers, safety nets, and guardrails.

1. Guardrails

The guardrail is the most popular and effective type of roof edge safety system. The posts are joined together by horizontal rails. Guardrails provide physical protection along the roof edge to keep workers safe.

Guardrails – Advantages

  • High Visibility: guardrails, painted in bright colors, are easily visible. They serve as constant reminders of the edge’s location.
  • Durable and Reliable: They offer a robust and dependable means of protecting, capable to withstand significant force.
  • Not Penetrating: Guardrails don’t usually require holes or other fasteners, so they reduce the risk of leaks.


The horizontal rails are attached to the horizontal posts after the vertical posts have been secured. They should be close enough to avoid accidental falls, but they shouldn’t be too close that it interferes with the work. The workers can move in the protected space, and the guardrails create a clear border between the workspace area and the roof edge.

2. Safety Nets

Safety nets are an important way to protect roof edges, especially for those who work near or above the edge. These nets are typically made from durable, strong materials like nylon or polypropylene. They are designed for catching and cushioning falls.

Benefits and Uses of Safety Nets

  • Fall Reduction: Safety nets can reduce the chance of serious injury and even death.
  • Flexibility: Can be installed in various heights and configurations. They are, therefore, adaptable to a variety of roof structures.
  • Collective Safety: Nets of safety provide collective protection for multiple workers.


Safety nets, which are placed below or along with the roof edge by the specific task to be performed and the assessed risk, can either be installed underneath the area of work or on top. When a worker falls, the net absorbs that energy and keeps it from hitting either the ground below or the lower levels of a building. Regular inspections and maintenance are required to keep the nets in good working order and ensure they can do their job.

3. Edge Protection Barriers

Edge protection is the physical barrier created around the roof edge to block access. These barriers can be in different forms. They include temporary guardrails as well as portable fencing or even weighted bricks.

Edge Protection Barriers

  • Quick setup: Many edge protection barriers can be installed quickly, making them ideal for quick projects or situations requiring immediate protection.
  • Mobility: Certain edge protection barriers can be easily moved to protect various roof areas.
  • Cost Efficient: They can be cost-effective for short-term projects.


Roof edge protection plays a key role in ensuring the safety of workers when working from heights. The three primary types of roof edge protection–guardrails, safety nets, and edge protection barriers–each offer unique advantages and are suitable for different situations. Employing the correct type of protective measures depends on specific project needs. This allows workers to carry out their jobs safely and efficiently. Roof edge protection, in the end, is a crucial part of construction and maintenance.

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